Monday, December 30, 2019

Social Selling – Why is it important, and How to do it right?

It’s not a secret anymore that sales reps are struggling with generating new leads nowadays. Long gone are the days when you could pick up a phone, make a few cold calls, and land a new lead. 90% of the cold calls are not even responded to nowadays because of caller-IDs. So how can sales representatives tackle these challenges, stand out, and generate more leads? The answer is – Social selling.

What Is Social Selling?

It’s not the same as social media marketing or social media advertising. Social selling is basically the art of finding, connecting with, understanding, and foster sales prospects.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Selling On Social Media

To be a successful marketer, the power of social media cannot be ignored. With 3.48 billion social media users in 2019, social media has become a strong force to reckon with for marketers! (Source: We Are Social). 
Selling on Social Media
The fact that social media delivers measurable results in sales leads, and branding, enabling marketers to reach a wide audience at a low cost has led to an increasing trend of selling on social media.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Selling With Podcast

A podcast is a new strategy to connect with your audience on social media! Social selling has been found to be the most effective way of connecting with your audience in recent times because of its widespread usage. Marketing on social media has become highly competitive with businesses trying innovative strategies. One strategy that is tasting success in social selling is “selling with the podcast”!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Social Selling Tips To Help You Succeed

We all know that selling socially demands for online visibility and this can only be achieved by using effective social media platforms. Is that all enough? Of course not. Now you can improve your sales with Social Selling.  It is not just developing, nurturing & leveraging relationships but, it’s a more refined process of digital selling that is widely in use by modern & digital sellers. Using Social Selling as their sales strategy is helping out millions globally to reach the targets faster & drive substantial sales to their business. It’s more of a conversation than communication.